Tournament creation website
A tournament creation website, which I mainly created for me and my friends, to support us in creating and managing our own tournaments. Especially for the European Championship 2024.
My own app
Still under development. A mobile app that I am currently developing. Consists of a backend, marketing website, admin console and the mobile app itself.
A web application to manage your books and their authors. Made with React, Chakra-UI, Node.js, GraphQl, Express and MongoDB. This project is a practice project to learn GraphQL with Node.js. The application has a JWT authentication system for login and authorization of adding and modifying books and authors.
React Native App
A practice project to learn React Native. The application is a simple movie rating application. This project is still in progress and currently just has a placeholder UI with github stuff.
A desktop application to monitor your IoT devices and their sensors. Made with Java, Spring Boot, C++ and PostgreSQL.